beginner gardener (13 years of age) need to know how to start a garden? - Knowledgebase Question

Houston, TX (Zone 8B)
Avatar for monkey9092
Question by monkey9092
April 29, 2005
I'm 13 and i need to know the first steps to being a vegitable gardener.

Answer from NGA
April 29, 2005

I am sorry for this delayed reply to your gardening question as we are transitioning to a new Q&A system. I hope this reply is not too late to be of help.

Welcome to gardening! It is a great hobby. You want to start by preparing the soil. Mix a couple of inches of compost into the soil to improve it then build up raised planting beds by moving soil from between the rows into the bed row. This will make sure the soil drains well when it rains too much. You can also build raised planting boxes and fill them with soil mix you purchase from a local nursery or compost/soil company.

In order to provide you with more information than we can fit in this brief answer, let me refer you to the following web site, which should be very informative and useful to you. It will link you to many Texas Cooperative Extension websites which will provide you much more information than I can fit in this brief reply.


Thanks for the question. Please stop in again soon!

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