I would like to plant a dense, fast growing screen along a 35' strip between me and my neighbor's new two story house. The tree or shrub needs to be about 20' tall and no greater than 8' wide at the base. The area is in full sun and subject to winds. Thanks for your help. |
Here are some suggestions for broadleaf evergreen hedges: Escollonia, Glossy Abelia, bamboo (many kinds), Elaeagnus, Nandina, Photinia, Viburnum, Holly and Vaccinium ovatum (Evergreen Huckleberry). Needle-type evergreens include Yew and Thuja (American Arborvitae). Thuja 'pyramidalis' grows to 15-20' in height and remains only 2-3' in width. To make things more affordable, you can start with plants in one-gallon containers and space them six feet apart. Next year purchase additional one-gallon sized plants and put them in the spaces between the established plants. By the third year you can prune them so they're equal in size. Most of the suggested plants will grow quickly and fill in nicely. |