Yellow Leaves on Mimosa - Knowledgebase Question

Grand Junction, co
Avatar for canyon247
Question by canyon247
May 25, 2005
I planted a mimosa tree this spring and some of the leaves are turning yellow. I have been watering it 2-3 times a week. The temperature has been in the 90's here in Grand Junction. What am I doing wrong to make the leaves turn yellow? The tree seems to be green along with most of the leaves.

Answer from NGA
May 25, 2005
If you just planted your tree, it's probably going through some transplant shock, coupled with extremely hot conditions. Each time you water, the drier surrounding soil will wick that moisture away. This means you do need to be very careful about watering. It is possible that the watering you have been doing has not really been soaking the entire rootball plus some of the surrounding soil -- roots will not grow into dry soil so you need to make sure that both are moist. There is no rule of thumb I can give you on watering, it is a matter of trial and error to some extent. You should water, wait a few hours, then dig down and see how effective your watering was (or wasn't) since it can be surprising. Then, in order to tell if and when you need to water again, dig down into the soil with your finger and see. Your goal is to keep the soil evenly moist, but not sopping wet. Typically trees need careful watering the first year or two, then watering in dry spells for the next several years. In severe drought conditions, even established trees may need supplemental watering, so this is not really so much to ask when you think of the decades of enjoyment a tree can provide. Try watering deeply on a regular basis and see if your tree doesn't perk up within a few weeks. Good luck with your tree.

Avatar for tchansen74
A comment from tchansen74
July 3, 2024
Hi, my mimosa tree is also experiencing yellowing on 10 percent of its leaves, and some are falling off. I just planted it two days ago and watered it thoroughly. The soil is still moist but not water logged. I also created a drainage with rocks under the hole because my soils do not drain well. So I don't think its water logged. Any advice or thoughts would be very appreciated. I live in Reno, Nevada, where its been 60-100 degrees.

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