I have purchased a couple of the Bluebird Lacecap Hydrangeas. I would like to put one in a pot (container). How large of a pot should I use? I understand the plants themselves can get from 6' to 8' in height and width. Is that only if planted in a flower bed? If I place one in a container will it stay smaller? It looks as if it is currently in a 3 gallon container from the nursery. Thank you for your time. |
You can grow hydrangea in a pot and if the roots are constricted, the shrub will stay a little smaller than if it were growing in the ground. I'd grow it in at least a 15 gallon pot; a half-whiskey barrel would be even better. Plants look best when the container size is at least one-third the size of the plant. They will be less prone to toppling over, too. |