Star Jasmine and Red spiders - Knowledgebase Question

evanston, IL
Avatar for jm33216
Question by jm33216
June 3, 2005
Can you advise on what to do for dealing with a star jasmine suffering from red spiders attack? My Jasmine leaves are changing color and getting burned.
Thanks in advance for any tip,

Answer from NGA
June 3, 2005
Most spider mite activity peaks during the warmer months. They can develop rapidly during this time, becoming full-grown in as little as a week after eggs hatch. After mating, mature females may produce a dozen eggs daily for a couple of weeks. The fast development rate and high egg production can lead to extremely rapid increases in mite populations.

Dry conditions greatly favor all spider mites, an important reason why they are so important in the more arid areas of the country. They feed more under dry conditions, as the lower humidity allows them to evaporate excess water they excrete. At the same time, most of their natural enemies require more humid conditions and are stressed by arid conditions. Furthermore, plants stressed by drought can produce changes in their chemistry that make them more nutritious to spider mites.

Adequate watering of plants during dry conditions can limit the importance of drought stress on spider mite outbreaks. Periodic hosing of plants with a forceful jet of water can physically remove and kill many mites, as well as remove the dust that collects on foliage and interferes with mite predators. Disruption of the webbing also may delay egg laying until new webbing is produced. Sometimes, small changes where mite-susceptible plants are located or how they are watered can greatly influence their susceptibility to spider mite damage.

You can use insecticidal soaps to reduce the number of spider mites on your jasmine. Repeat applications may be necessary - be sure to read and follow the label directions. Best wishes with your jasmine!

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