Unhappy Gardener - Knowledgebase Question

zion, il
Avatar for sandy7827
Question by sandy7827
June 7, 2005
Please forward this to the proper person:

Last year I purchase the new varsity of ?Echinacea called Mango? from
Craig Bregmann in Winthrop Harbor, Illinois which was grown by you. As of today
It had not shows any sign of growth this year, after talking to the peoples
At Bergmann about this because of my concern?.they told me that it may not, since this was a new varsity that only was a year old the chance of it surviving is near to nothing.
I?m out the money and no plant to show for it, as a gardener and consumer I?m very unhappy over this.

Sandra in Illinois

Answer from NGA
June 7, 2005
Echinacea is a perennial plant that does best when planted in full sun in any moist, well-drained garden soil, but it may also be grown in partial sun. The plant is somewhat drought resistant once established. Coneflowers are hardy in USDA zones 3-9 so it should be winter hardy in your gardening zone. It's normal for the tops of the plants to die down in the winter and new stems and flowers to appear in the spring. The only reason an Echinacea might die over the winter months is if the soil remained too soggy and suffocated the roots. You can dig the plant up and inspect the roots; healthy roots are creamy white inside, dead roots are brown or rusty colored. If the roots are dead, the soil was probably too wet over the winter months; if the roots are still alive, replant your Echinacea and wait for new stems to emerge later this spring. Best wishes with your garden!

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