Japanese maple tree - Knowledgebase Question

banning, ca
Avatar for elizabethfe2
Question by elizabethfe2
June 7, 2005
my maple tree is young and in a container. the tips of the leaves are turning brownish and are dry and crispy. Is this normal and if not what can I do about it?

Answer from NGA
June 7, 2005
Japanese maple tree leaves are sensitive to hot afternoon sunshine and to winds. Because they need shelter from winds and constant heat, a partly shady garden spot suits them well. They are sensitive to salt build up in the soil, and you can correct the problem by flooding the soil once or twice each season to leach out irritating salts. Trees and shrubs planted in containers will need to be watered more frequently than those planted in the ground so be sure to keep the soil moist but not soggy wet by watering as often as necessary during the hot summer months. Best wishes with your tree!

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