Is it harmful to mow the lawn when it is wet? I have seen my neighbors mowing when the grass is wet, but one of my neighbors is telling me that it chops the grass and harms it. I refuse to let me grass get a foot tall, so I mow it whether it is dry or wet. I think that it is worse to let it get too high because then I will have hay in my yard from the clippings. Thanks, Theresa |
Theresa, There is a tradeoff between mowing wet and allowing it to get too tall as you indicate. If possible avoid mowing when wet. One of the main reasons is that it clogs the mower housing with clippings and bogs down the motor. Mulching mowers are especially prone to this. However if the lawn gets too tall between mowings this is also not good. Mowing tall grass back to a short height again stresses the turf and leaves tall clippings on top which if not removed will shade the underlying turf. So try to mow as often and when a rainy spell occurs get back in to mow as soon as it dries out. Thanks for the question. Please stop in again soon! |