Propagating plants - Knowledgebase Question

Purcellville, VA
Avatar for normaq
Question by normaq
June 11, 2005
When propagating a leaf cutting in a ziplock plastic bag, what should the exposure be -- light or dark; cool or warm?

Answer from NGA
June 11, 2005
In my experience it usually works best in a bright location BUT out of direct sun. The direct sun will cause the interior of the bag to overheat like a closed up parked car. The temperature will depend somewhat on which specific plant you are trying to root but usually on the warm side is better. Start with barely damp soilless potting mix, insert the cutting, set the container in a clear plastic bag or under a clear dome. (Make sure everything is very clean.) Check the soil occasionally to make sure it is still slightly damp, also allow for a bit of air exchange from time to time. As soon as you see signs of rooting, begin to gradually open and remove the bag and when the bag is off, move it to the type of light it prefers as a normal plant. Good luck with your project!

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