They had aphids, I washed them with soap and water, nothing happened - washed them with vinegar, leaves curled up, only a few buds bloomed, the rest turneds brown and just did nothing. What can I do to rescue them |
I think you're dealing with two problems here; aphids and bud blast. It's recommended that your hose the aphids off, or use an insecticidal soap to kill them. Homemade concoctions such as soap and water or vinegar can burn the leaves of your rose bushes (as you've discovered). Insecticidal soap is safe to use on roses against aphids, so give it a try next time you find the pests. Bud blast is the drying up and failure of flower buds to open. It's a physiological condition with many possible causes, such as root injury, cold soil, high temperatures during cloudy weather, dry conditions during formation, a lack of potassium in the soil, or excessive shading. Do you think any of these conditions are present? Roses need two things for blooms: sun and nutrients. Are your plants receiving at least 6-8 hours of sun daily? Roses are heavy feeders during their bloom period. Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium are the 3 major nutrients for all plants. (They correspond to the 3 numbers on fertilizer packages.) Nitrogen promotes growth of green leaves. Phosphorous is essential for blooms. If you are not already, I suggest you apply a rose fertilizer. The second and third numbers on the package should be higher than the first. Or, roses benefit from applications of greensand, which contains potassium, and bone meal, which contains phosphorus. Both of these nutrients are important for flowering. The thing to avoid is feeding them with high-nitrogen fertilizer that will encourage foliage growth at the expense of flowers. Keep them consistently moist and mulch with 2-3 inches of compost to help maintain soil moisture. Rosarians I know fertilize their roses every 6 weeks during the blooming season. Another possibility is rose midges--teeny, tiny bugs that cause new growth, especially buds to shrivel and turn black. Insecticidal soap can help. You might need a magnifying glass to see them, or tap a bud over a piece of white paper and see if they fall out. I hope this information helps. |