My gold tip junipers are browning. - Knowledgebase Question

buffalo, NY
Avatar for lindakeatti
Question by lindakeatti
June 22, 2005
My gold tip junipers are 1 year old and are browning. Why and what should I do?
Thank you

Answer from NGA
June 22, 2005
Unfortunately, based on the information in your question I am unable to tell you what is happening to your junipers. Browning is a general symptom and it can be serious, but it is hard to tell you specifically why it is happening long distance. I would suggest you consult with a certified professional nurseryman at your retailer and/or your with your county extension and see if they can diagnose it for you. They may appreciate photos of the overall plant and close-up, and/or samples. There are many possible causes ranging from poor rooting, planting too deeply, overwatering or planting in a low wet spot, accidental herbicide exposure or even a fungal infection or a pest problem. Good luck with your junipers!

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