Crabgrass - Knowledgebase Question

Granite Falls, WA (Zone 7B)
Avatar for jeffmittelma
Question by jeffmittelma
June 25, 2005
I recently got rid of my moss, now I'm fighting crab grass and dandelions. What can I do about both?

Answer from NGA
June 25, 2005
Hand digging and pulling is the most reliable way of getting rid of these pesky weeds. Anothert toxic method of controlling crabgrass is to lightly cultivate the area in early spring, then apply several inches of organic mulch. The gentle scratching of the soil will disturb many of the crabgrass seeds just as they are germinating and kill them. The mulch will then exclude light from the remainder and prevent them from germinating. Alternatively, there are preemergent weed control products that will control crabgrass by preventing it from germinating (as well as other seeds) as long as the soil surface remains undisturbed. These products should be applied according to the label instructions. Dandelions respond to the same treatment. If you keep the weeds pulled while they're young, they won't set seeds and you won't have quite so many weeds popping up in the future. Best wishes with your garden!

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