I purchased two very large pots of Chinese Evergreen. There about 10-12 plants in each pot,leaves are 12-15" long, and I have repotted each in 15" pots. I have installed recessed spot lights in the ceiling 8-10' above these plants using regular 50 watt bulbs and supplemented by filtered northern natural light. One plant is doing quite well after 4 months, with very little extra attention and is beginning to send up healthy new growth. The other is sending new growth too, but many have a black and rotted looking tip even before opening, others have a white verticle strips of something that might be powdery mildew (but definetly NOT mealy bug), and even further, there is a shiny, stickey-to-the-touch substance on many leaves as well. Also, some of the outer leaf stalks are showing yellow. I have begun to water this pot (the most recent 2 waterings at 2-3 week intervals) with a mixture of 1 tsp of liquid detergent to a gallon of water. Additionally, I have washed the leaves individually with a mild soap and water bath. The pots are too heavy for me to be able to take to the tub for showers. |
around plants and cutting back on watering a bit. For the slimy leaves, wipe them down with a cotton ball saturated with rubbing alcohol. Wipe off any excess. Check your soil. If you see any mold or mildew growing there, repot if feasible with fresh soil. If not feasible, remove the mildewed spots with a spoon. Be sure when you water the plant that you empty the overflow saucer. Stop watering with the soap solution--you may be damaging the roots. Good Luck! around plants and cutting back on watering a bit. For the slimy leaves, wipe them down with a cotton ball saturated with rubbing alcohol. Wipe off any excess. Check your soil. If you see any mold or mildew growing there, repot if feasible with fresh soil. If not feasible, remove the mildewed spots with a spoon. Be sure when you water the plant that you empty the overflow saucer. Stop watering with the soap solution--you may be damaging the roots. Good Luck! |