Care for a Dwarf Gay Feather - Knowledgebase Question

Branch Hill, OH (Zone 6A)
Avatar for cbeard2
Question by cbeard2
July 7, 2005
I am new to this Perennial. At the end of the season should this plant be cut down to approx 1

Answer from NGA
July 7, 2005
Your gayfeather (Liatris) will produce a tall flowering spike and the flowers will open from the top downward. When the flowers are spent, trim the flower spike down to foliage level. It isn't necessary to trim the foliage down at the end of the season. If you discover winter damage, you can prune it down in early spring when new foliage just begins to emerge. After a few years the clumps of foliage will expand and flowering will slow. When this happens, dig and divide your gayfeathers. Enjoy your new plant!

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