How do I transplant a mimosa tree that is about two years old. Also how do I care for it once transplanted. The mother tree is about 75 years old and in the Detroit Michigan area. I will be transplanting in the same area. |
Unfortunately, this tree is very difficult to transplant because it has a very sparse root system and the soil falls away from it as soon as you try to dig the plant up. If you are determined to try it, simply trace along the root as best you can and take as long/large a piece as possible. Keep the root moist (you might wrap it in damp but not soaking wet newspaper and place that in a plastic bag left loosely open) and keep the plant itself cool but above freezing so that it stays dormant while in transport. Replant immediately, water in and and mulch well. Over the coming season keep the plant watered (the rule of thumb is an inch of water a week from you or the sky) while it becomes established. |