Marigolds - Knowledgebase Question

Brandon, FL (Zone 9A)
Avatar for origdaisyduk
Question by origdaisyduk
August 10, 2005
My marigolds have been doing fine, till now, I pop off the old blooms, but now the stems are getting long and leggy, w/few blooms. should i cut the dry stuff off and force the growth? more h2o, what?

Answer from NGA
August 10, 2005

You can cut off the dried blooms and dead areas. A light shearing into green shoots followed by some watering and fertilizing will promote fresh new growth. The plants may be suffering from spider mites, a common problem in hot dry conditions. If you do have mites a spraying may be in order with an appropriate miticide. Mites tend to decline in numbers in the fall so repeated spraying may not be needed.

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