Climbing Vines - Knowledgebase Question

Avatar for SGARNETT2
Question by SGARNETT2
August 11, 2005
I am looking for a vine to plant around my deck that would grow up the post and over the deck. I live in zone 5. What do you think would give me the best color and shade?

Answer from NGA
August 11, 2005
Here are a few suggestions:

Trumpet Vine (Campsis x tagliabuana ?Madame Galen?) would be my first recommendation; a woody vine to 30 ft. in average to poor soil; Orange to scarlet trumpet shaped flowers in summer. Fast growing clinging vine. Attracts hummingbirds.
Prune back heavily to keep in bounds.

Clematis virginiana (Virgin's Bower ); 12 to 20 ft. in sun to light shade; average soil. Billowing white flowers cover the vine in late summer. Dense, bright green foliage. The feathery seed clusters also have ornamental value in the fall.

Aristolochia tomentosa (Woolly Dutchman's Pipe), a woody vine to 30 ft. Grows well in sun to full shade, in moist, well drained soil. This is a vigorous twining climber with large rounded leaves and odd, curved tubular flowers. The vines were once popular as a sun screen for front porches.

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