How do I rid my garden of a trumpet vine. It has completely taken over. - Knowledgebase Question

Princeton, NJ
Avatar for efurey
Question by efurey
August 18, 2005
How do I completely rid my garden of my trumpet vine? It is
completely out of hand, and taking over.

Answer from NGA
August 18, 2005
Trumpet vine or Campsis radicans can spread by root runners coming up near the original plant as well as by seedlings. The first thing to do is to remove the seed pods each fall by cutting the vine back and by raking if they have already fallen off the vine. This should limit reproduction by seed. Then cut off or mow off root sprouts as soon as they appear. This should help direct energy back to the main vine. Repeated mowing or trimming off of seedlings should eventually exhaust them. Trimming the plant back short in late winter or early spring each year will help control its overall size. To eliminate it completely, you would need to dig it out by the roots repeatedly until the root reserves are exhausted. You might also try an herbicide containing glyphosate. Apply and reapply it per the label instructions. Late summer is actually a good time to do this as the chemical must be absorbed by the root and at this time of year the plants are naturally developing their root reserves. Good luck!

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