virburnum - Knowledgebase Question

Joplin, mo
Avatar for dmriley9
Question by dmriley9
August 19, 2005

I hope I am contacting the right person or persons..

I have a Marie Virburnum. I planted it over a year ago. Last year it was small and I watered it often because it was new..

When it came in this past spring and clear up to this day As soon as the sun hits it then it wilts and it wilts badly. To the point it looks dead?

I have to water it every single day for ? an hour an longer to revive it.

It is very healthy. And it has grown like crazy but this watering is unreal.

I would like to dig it up and see what is going on under there that is causing this. But am not sure when to do that safely.

Any help you have to offer will be appreciated.

I can send photos if you like

Thanks so much

Answer from NGA
August 19, 2005
I wonder what is going on with your viburnum! Air pockets within the rootmass would explain the afternoon wilting. I suspect that there is a gopher or mole tunnel directly beneath the root system of your viburnum which is where the water is draining. You are probably filling up the hole when you water, and once the roots get moisture, the plant perks up. I'd wait until late fall when growth slows and dig the viburnum up. I bet you find some kind of tunnel or hole beneath the shrub!

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