My landscaper installed 3 Australian Tree Ferns 3 weeks ago. Every day more and more leaves are turning brown. They look all knarled and dried up. My yard is a woodland garden. They are getting full to part shade. It's raining almost every day here and when it doesn't I water the yard to protect the newly installed landscape plants. I don't know if this is transplant shock, too much water, too little water or something else. Could you offer some solutions. PS: Is the Tasmania Tree Fern the same as the Australian Tree Fern. I don't bring up anything when I search on Australian Tree Fern. Your picture of the Tasmanian Tree Fern look the same to me. |
Paula, It does sound like transplant shock, however is the soil is totally saturated excluding all air for a period of time this can also cause major problems. My best assessment is that the plants were stressed or perhaps dried out a but prior to or during the planting process, or just after, and are now showing the signs of the damage. With moist soil and the good location you have them in, they should recover in time and put out new fronds. Those two tree ferns are not the same. The following web sites at Monrovia show each one and provide info on them: Thanks for the question. Please stop in again soon! |