I have read about a Lucretia Hamilton Desert Willow. Is it the same as what you list as Timeless Beauty Desert Willow? The LH is also seedless, also about 15-20 feet mature height and I believe it flowers a deep purple. Since I haven't seen one, I'd like to know a bit about it. What is the form - more spreading or more upright than the usual desert willows? I need 2 for each side of a pathway, but if it is too spreading in form, that might not work. I am having trouble locating the Lucretia Hamilton variety, so I'm wondering (since it is seedless and the same size) if it is the same as your Timeless Beauty. Thanks! |
Martha, Those two varieties are similar but apparently not the same. Lucretia Hamilton is a variety introduced by Mountain States Nursery in Arizona. I would consider both to have a similar growth habit so if you want them more upright you would need to prune accordingly to train them upward more than spreading. I think you would be happy with the beautiful flowers of the Timeless Beauty. Thanks for the question. Please stop in again soon! |