Planting bulbs in the garden - Knowledgebase Question

Name: Tamaris McCann
Carrollton, TX (Zone 7B)
Avatar for mccanntm
Question by mccanntm
September 4, 2005
I want to try tulips this year. I want tons of them in my front gardens in beautiful colors. My question is, my front gardens have perennials already planted there (geraniums and fountain grass) that I'm sure will go dormant in the winter. Can I plant bulbs there,

Answer from NGA
September 4, 2005

First I should say that tulips to not naturalize and repeat well in the south. They are better treated as annuals. Set tulip bulbs 3 times as deep as they are wide (about 4-6 inches deep) in and among your perennials and other plants is fine. Space them no closer than 4 to 8 inches apart. Planting time in your area is December to early January at the latest. Bulbs should be prechilled for 10 weeks before planting to help break their dormancy and get them ready to grow.

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