Groundhogs - Knowledgebase Question

Charlottesville, VA
Avatar for rak9u
Question by rak9u
January 13, 1998
How do you get rid of groundhogs? I have one who enjoys my flower garden very much. I've tried just about everything.

Answer from NGA
January 13, 1998
Your best bet (though not an easy effort) would be to trap the groundhogs, release them elsewhere (?), and then construct a wire fence that goes about 1-2 feet below the soil and about 4 feet high. This is just about the only sure way of stopping these varmints from eating your garden. All those sprays and home remedies only work for a while, then the groundhog gets smart (have you seen Caddyshack?) and come back! Have you considered a pet? A good hunting dog patrolling your property would probably also be effective.

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