Dipladenia sanderi - Knowledgebase Question

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Question by f150women492
September 20, 2005
Will Dipladenia sanderi live through the cold winter in Michigan?

Answer from NGA
September 20, 2005
Dipladenia is a tender plant and is usually grown as an annual in your cold winter climate. It can be grown indoors or in a greenhouse during the winter months. I'd suggest potting your plant up and taking it indoors over the winter. You can take it outside in the spring, and even sink the pot into the ground to make it look like it's growing in your yard. The plant goes into a natural resting period in the wintertime, so potting it up at this time shouldn't set it back. You can even cut back the foliage if you want, to encourage new stems. Once indoors, give your plant bright light, but not direct sunlight, water sparingly (it won't grow much in the winter and doesn't like soggy feet), and mist the leaves when the stems begin to show flower buds. Under the right conditions, your Dipladenia will bloom almost year 'round, except for a short resting period during the winter months.

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