Bradford pear trees - Knowledgebase Question

Marietta, GA (Zone 7B)
Avatar for cothron5
Question by cothron5
October 1, 2005
I have recently had someone to prune our Bradford Pear trees. I read that you should wait until late winter and early Spring to do this. Since this has already been done will the trees survive now. They are 15 year old trees and they trimed them about 50%.
Let me know. Thank you

Answer from NGA
October 1, 2005

Yes, they'll be fine. They might try some late season growth as a result of the pruning. Such tender growth would be subject to winter injury but the tree overall should be okay. The only other effect is that most of next spring's blooms may have been pruned away.

Thanks for the question. Please stop in again soon!

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