I have a number of morning glories in full sun. They are 4 months old. They have grown rapidly but constantly seem to look as if they need water. The leaves sag and in one section what looks like a lot of small mosquitoes take off from them when I water. They take on this very dry look, but come back to normal when sprayed with water. None of the vines have yellowed, just the main plant. Hope you can help. Am I underwatering, or maybe overwatering? We have had a lot of heat recently but when I do water they return to normal. Hope you can help? Thanks, |
It sounds as though there are two problems contributing to the stress in your morning glories. First, the flying insects may be feeding on the leaves, which could cause the yellowing and the wilting. If you can't identify the pests, cut an affected leaf off, seal it in a plastic bag, and take it to your local nursery for help in identification. They can suggest control remedies specific to the pest. Secondly, wilting can be caused by inconsistent soil moisture. Be sure to water deeply once or twice each week, on a regular basis. Don't wait for your plants to tell you they need watering by waiting until they wilt. Hope these suggestions help your help your morning glories regain their health! |