Neon Flash Spirea and Pink Beauty Potentilla - Knowledgebase Question

hawthorne, WI
Avatar for mhaworth5484
Question by mhaworth5484
October 16, 2005
Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me what maintenance needs to be done on the Neon Flash Spirea and the Pink Beauty Potentilla before winter comes? I live in Northern WI and I have these beautiful shrubs in my rock garden and I'm wondering if they need to be cut down or anything before winter comes or if I should just leave them? It would be greatly appreciated if you could write me back and let me know. Thank you.

Answer from NGA
October 16, 2005
Both of these shrubs should be well mulched in late fall, but I would wait until spring to do any pruning. The branches can help protect the crown somewhat during the winter. In early spring, trim them back to remove winter damage and give a fairly symmetrical outline. Trim them back by about half to two thirds, or more if needed to remove winterkilled branches. After the main bloom flush, they can be sheared lightly to deadhead and encourage reblooming later in the summer. Enjoy!

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