Can Miniature roses survive the winter outside in a container? - Knowledgebase Question

North Valley Stream, NY (Zone 6B)
Avatar for kapbal
Question by kapbal
October 16, 2005
I have 16 miniature roses in 2 containers. Could I leave them outside in the winter in the containers or should I plant them in the ground. Or should I bring the containers in the garage.I live in zone 6.

Answer from NGA
October 16, 2005
Although the roses may be hardy in your area, the roots are much more exposed in a container than they would be planted in the ground. In my experience they would do best if planted in the ground, but they should have been planted in early fall. It is so late in the season now for transplanting that I think they might do better if protected in your garage. Wait until late fall to bring them indoors so they have stopped growing, then strip off any remaining foliage when you bring them in. Water only enough to keep the soil from going bone dry. They should be kept at about 35 to 40 degrees so they are cold and do not try to grow, but the soil does not freeze solid. In early spring when the worst of winter is past take them back outside so they can wake up gradually with the season. If you want to plant them in the ground, that would be the time to do that. Good luck with your mini roses!

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