What do you feed chrysanthemums? - Knowledgebase Question

Frisco, TX (Zone 7B)
Avatar for rlmc73
Question by rlmc73
October 18, 2005
I planted some chrysanthemums in my front yard and they are already dying. What do you feed mums? I feed them regular miracle grow and I don't guess it helped. How often do I need to water them? Help!!

Answer from NGA
October 18, 2005

They are pretty easy to please. If you have not had a soil test I would suggest a fertilizer that is balanced in a 1:1:1 ratio. If you do have your soil tested the phosphorus may be adequate and so a 3:1:2 ratio product (such as turf fertilizer) would be fine. Miracle Gro is fine unless you are feeding a lot of chrysnathemums and need a more economical dry product in a larger bag.

Water as needed to keep the soil slightly moist. Once every 4 days or so in summer and much less often in fall and spring as the temps are cooler and the weather tends to be wetter.

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