Cotoneaster dammeri 'Eichholz' - Knowledgebase Question

White Lake, MI
Avatar for JCE81
Question by JCE81
October 19, 2005
Could you tell me more regarding the history of the var.'Eichholz' of Cotoneaster dammeri. I just purchased one of these plants at Bordines Nursery, Clarkston, MI. When i saw the name Eichholz, we had to have one. Now we are curious where the var. Eichholz originated from. My last name is Eichholz. Thank you

Answer from NGA
October 19, 2005
I understand your interest! I'm afraid the findings won't be very exciting, though: Cotoneaster dammeri 'Eichholz' is a new, improved a form of C. dammeri var. radicans introduced around 1967, and may be listed as C. ?Coral Beauty? or under C. radicans. This shrub is native to China and was originally introduced thought to be C. humifusus as introduced by Earnest Wilson in 1900. Its parent species was accurately classified in the early 20th century by the German botanist, Camillo Schneider, 1876-1951. He named it for his contemporary, Carl Lebrecht Udo Dammer, 1860-1920. This shrub is grouped into the immense rose family, Rosaceae. It is a genus named by Friedrich Medicus, 1736-1808, noted authority on North American flora and director of the botanic garden at Manheim, Germany. He named it from the Latin for quince-like, which described the leaves of some species. There are about 50 species of Cotoneaster, all native to temperate regions of the Old World.

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