clematis - Knowledgebase Question

Staten Island, NY
Avatar for januszs21
Question by januszs21
November 8, 2005
May I dig out my clematis which is one year old and plant it in another location( more sunny)?
How big is it's root system ?
Or should I try to propagate it - is it possible??
Thank you.

Janusz Sieron

Answer from NGA
November 8, 2005
Clematis will grow and bloom well in a half day of sun, so perhaps you do not need to move it. Clematis are notoriously slow to become established and begin blooming well; typically it takes the plant three years to become well rooted and really settle in. The first year they usually grow only a little and barely bloom. I mention this because if you move it, you will lose a year. If you really want to transplant it, I would wait and do it in late winter to very early spring before it begins to grow again for the season. The root system should be quite a bit wider and deeper than it was when you planted it. You will also want to prune it back short to about 18 inches tall when you move it. Good luck with your clematis!

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