I am considering using Bamboo as a screening hedge and found the Bambusa multiplex 'golden goddess'. I have approximately 2 feet of planting space and can allow it to expand 1.5 feet on each side above groand (at a wall). I have seen pictures on the internet where this Bamboo grows like a mushroom and takes up considerable space above ground. You picture indicates more of a straight growing bamboo that doesn't 'mushroom'. If I order this bamboo from you, would it be different from other variants I have seen, or is there only one type of 'golden goddess' that all nurseries provide? Thanks Rasmus |
Golden Goddess, Bambusa multiplex cv "Golden Goddess", is the perfect bamboo for smaller gardens, and can be easily maintained at under 8 feet tall. It makes a good container plant and therefore can be happy in the small planting area you describe. This bamboo has a graceful, arching form for tropical or oriental effect, is non-invasive and evergreen. It grows in full to partial sun and is hardy to 10 to 20?'s. There is only one plant with the name. If you've seen plants that are top-heavy (mushroom looking), it's because the lower leaves have dropped from the culms. Although this is a normal process for evergreen plants, it does tend to make the lower portion of the plant bare. You can avoid this by cutting off the oldest culms, just as they begin to lose their lower leaves. Pruning these culms out will prompt the development of healthy new culms, which keeps the plant in constant renewal. Best wishes with your bamboo. |