Privet is a very tolerant plant, so soil prep isn't difficult. Ordinary soil in full sun or slight shade will do. However, they will respond favorably soil amended with organic matter (compost, aged manure, leaf mold). Here are some general shrub planting guidelines: I like to plant either in the early spring or early fall because this provides time for the transplant establish its roots a bit before winter. It's also a good idea to plant new shrubs when the day is slightly overcast and not windy. Sun and wind are enemies of the tender roots. Avoid days in the thick of the summer heat as well - it will be much easier on you and the plants! Try to have your holes dug and ready to receive the new plants up to 24 hrs. in advance. Also, keep in mind when planting new shrubs it is very, very important to water them in well. Most transplant failures are a result of inadequate watering at transplant time and during the first year. |