tree - heat and cold zone - Knowledgebase Question

Pittsburgh, PA
Avatar for Stklinzing
Question by Stklinzing
January 17, 2006
I would like to plant an island in my yard this spring. I was initially interested in planting a canadian hemlock - I looked up the info on that tree and saw other things they suggested planting with it. I wanted to be sure of my heat and cold zone and these plants. The other tree was a White Fringe Tree and the shrub was a Dwarf Fothergilla. I wanted to know where to get the items and to be sure
of my zone before I go further. If my e-mail doesn't work you could call or write me. 6575 Zupancic Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 653-1554. There are several nurseries in my area that have your plants but could they order them for me or can I order them directly from you if they are agreeable with my zones?

Answer from NGA
January 17, 2006
According to your zip code you are in USDA winter hardiness zone 6A or the coldest part of zone 6; depending on the microclimate in your yard it might be as cold as zone 5. Looking at the heat zone map, by zip code you would be in zone heat zone 5.

The Monrovia plant descriptions include winter hardiness and also heat zone information under each plant listed, if you click on the category called Growth Conditions you will see them as well as a link to a click through map.

The Monrovia catalog lists the white fringe tree or Chionanthus virginicus as being suited to cold hardiness zones 4 through 9 and to heat zones 1 through 9 so you are fine there. Dwarf fothergilla or Fothergilla gardenii is listed for cold hardiness zones 5 through 9 and heat zones 1 through 9, so again you are fine as far as the zones go. These plants also need an evenly moist yet well drained soil; the fothergilla further requires a humusy, acidic soil and will handle morning sun or bright dappled light all day. I would not recommend it for a full sun location unless you have naturally very moist soil.

Monrovia is a wholesale only nursery and does not sell retail by catalog or internet. To purchase plants or check on availability, please contact your local independent retailers that carry Monrovia (and other) plants. There is a zip code based search at the Monrovia web site to help with contact information at

Also, in researching your planting, you may want to consult with your local county extension and also your local professionally trained nurseryman to see if you have growing location suitable to the plants you are thinking of using. Based on a more detailed understanding of the planting site and your design goals, they may have additional or other suggestions to consider. Enjoy your new plants!

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