For the 30 years we lived in california most of my gargens originated with your plants. Could you please tell me if Georgia Blue Veronica is available from seeds that can be ordered????i am sure i got my plants from your company but cannot find seeds===i had a huge area of these in stockton and wish i had dug them up and brought them--thanks=cathy stein |
Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue' (V. umbrosa) is a cultivar that is propagated by division or cuttings to assure consistency. Monrovia is a wholesale only nursery so you would need to check with your local retailers that carry Monrovia (and other) products and see if they have it or expect to have it. If your local nursery does not carry it -- selections should be more extensive in spring and early summer than they are right now -- then you might try mail order. Bluestone Perennials for example offers it in their catalog along with many other Veronica cultivars. http://www.bluestoneperennials... Enjoy your new garden! |