What is the proper care for Spaths that are indoors in pots? I have two that I have placed by my kitchen window that gets light all day but direct sun only in late afternoon. How often do they need to be watered? Thank you-Tressana |
Spathiphyllum, as with most tropicals, will flourish in almost any well drained soil. Most growers use a mixture containing peat moss, bark and sand. The majority of plants grown are in 6", 8", 10" and 14?. Some varieties such as ?Sensation? can reach a height of 6 feet and have an equal width. Today, most plants are produced from tissue culture or clones. Depending on the indoor environment watering should be weekly. Many people overwater the plant keeping the soil soggy. Soil should be kept moist but not soggy. The soil should dry out between waterings. Excessive drying out can cause the plant to wilt and yellowing of leaves and edges. When watering use water that is at room temperature. If your city water has chlorine in it, allow it to sit overnight so the chemicals can dissapate. Spathiplyllum will survive low interior light but would prefer bright filtered light. Spathiphyllum has been used by interior plantscapers for many years as a ground cover where the light is very low. Spathiphyllum should NOT be placed direct sun or it will sunburn. When grown indoors spathiphyllum have almost no need for fertilization. If you must fertilize, any well balanced fertilizer such as 20-20-20 will maintain growth. Pelleted fertilizers also work; read instructions carefully. Indoors plants grow slower and therefore have lower requirements for food. If you are going to fertilize use approximately at 1/4 recommended strength. Over fertilizing can produce burning of tips and roots. Spathiphyllums enjoy warm conditions between 68-85 daytime temperature and prefer and 10 degree drop at nighttime. Cold, and drafty conditions in the 40's and 50's will slow growth considerably. Extended periods below 40 can damage leaves, stems and roots. Humidity above 25-30% is best but they will tolerate long periods down to 10-15%. Hope this information answers all your questions! |