Ornamental Bonsai Peach Tree's - Knowledgebase Question

Edmond, OK
Avatar for kindt
Question by kindt
February 8, 2006
Is there a certain dormant oil or some chemical that should be sprayed on these odd trees during the dormant months? Mine are starting to produce a sap at all the places where new buds will form in the spring. Is this normal??

I thank you for your help,

Kindt Myers
Account Manager
Pitxer's Lawn Management

Answer from NGA
February 8, 2006
Based on your description, I am not certain what is happening to your tree. If this is sort of thick, amber colored ooze, it may be a case of bacterial canker which is quite serious. I would suggest you consult with your local county extension for a more specific diagnosis and based on knowing that, determine how to proceed. If it is something that requires a chemical control, they will have the most up to date recommendations on what to use and how/when is best to apply it for maximum results. I'm sorry you are having trouble with your tree.

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