We are moving a few miles away in a year or a year and a half, and I have some blueberries (jersey, earliblue, bluecrop), raspberries, blackberries, and concord grapes (seedless) already being shipped to me. They should be here in a month. Should I plant them in the ground and dig them up to move them, or pot them? If I should pot them, how big should the pots be? I have the house and land, but it is in no way ready to accept weeds, let alone plants! (It's all orange dirtandsand. I have a lot of soil building before I plant them! (I don't have questions about that) but should I put the pots there to acclimate them to their permanent environment(if you recommend potting them) or in my yard where I live now? The only difference between the two houses is that the one I live in now is inland, and the new one is on a lagoon about 2-3 miles away. (Jersey shore). |
It is so difficult to keep these plants healthy in the long term in containers that I would plant them at your current location. When you eventually move and have the soil prepared for planting, you might be able to transplant the blueberries as they are fairly shallow rooted and so can be dug with a reasonably intact rootball. You might be able to move the raspberries and blackberries as well, however the process would set them back due to the pruning they would need to survive the move. In my experience you would do better to replant with new ones at the new location rather than try to move the brambles. And the grape, unfortunately, most likely would not move well at all, grapes are very deep rooted and thus difficult to transplant. Also, in case you are selling your current property, I should mention that a real estate sales contract generally includes all landscaping -- so you might not be allowed to take them away. |