red chokeberry not growing well - Knowledgebase Question

savoy, IL
Avatar for mattwalch
Question by mattwalch
March 11, 2006
I have red chokeberries that are not growing well. There are not many leaves or flowers in the summer. There is no fall color. I planted them in 3 years ago. They are in a sunny location facing south. THey soil is clay with some loam. I fertilized in the fall and will again in spring. Is there anything else that will help them flourish?

Answer from NGA
March 11, 2006
Aronia arbutifolia, the red chokeberry, is adaptable to nearly all growing conditions, from full sun to part shade, in acidic or alkaline soils, in sand, clay and loam, so I'm at a loss as to why your plants are not thriving. Since they are fast growing, you might try pruning them back this month. Pruning typically encourages new growth so your plants may respond by putting out lots of healthy new growth. I hope so!

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