Looking for trees - Knowledgebase Question

Jacksonville, FL
Avatar for bstarnes9
Question by bstarnes9
March 13, 2006
I need about a dozen or more tree-like plants that will block an unsightly view. I want to create a wall of foliage that will have a final height in the range of 16 to 20 feet. The foliage needs to start at a height of less than 6 feet (the height of my privacy fence).
Please help.

Answer from NGA
March 13, 2006

I think your three best options are the 'Little Gem' Magnolia, Yew Podocarpus and a standard (not dwarf) type of Carolina Cherry Laurel. Monrovia carries the first two of these plants. Their Carolina Cherry Laurels are semi dwarf with the largest topping out at about 10 or 12 feet.

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