What are some good groundcovers to plant under and between other plants to block out weeds? Most of the area we want to plant receives sun most of the day. |
My first suggestion is 'Polygonum capitatum'. Such a pretty plant deserves a prettier name, but this is not the case. This pink flowered ground cover has maroon foliage and is tougher than it looks. It thrives on full sun yet can grow under a pine tree. Sometimes it gets away from where it should be, but can be held in check with simple cultivation. A frost can burn it to the ground but it recovers in the spring. Once established it can take damp to dry conditions. A second suggestion is Ajuga (carpet bugle). This plant produces spikes of deep blue flowers in early spring and adapts well to both shade and sun. It's evergreen, even after experiencing a frost and is thick enough to crowd out weeds. Hope one of these plants is just right for your garden. |