Winter Gem Boxwood - Knowledgebase Question

League City, TX
Avatar for kishihara
Question by kishihara
March 26, 2006
I am planting Winter Gem Boxwood around my house, along the front foundation and the entry walk way. I want to make small hedge, no highher than 2-3 feet and narrow. 1) How far shoud I plant the boxwood away from the foundation of the house? 2) How far shoud I spread each boxwood to make nice small, narrow hedge? I am thinking of using one gallon size, spreading one feet apart. Please advice.

Answer from NGA
March 26, 2006

Winter Gem Boxwood is a moderate grower to 4 to 6 feet tall and wide. You can keep them 2-3 feet tall and about 2-3 feet wide but it will take frequent shearing. I suggest planting them about 5 feet from the house so you can get behind them to prune the shrubs and work in the house if needed. They are not a threat to the foundation.

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