could you please tell me about care for Bangalow palm-Archoiophoenix cunningamiana.This palms are growing in the containers indoors in Australia.DEspite all my efforts my palm died.I bought another one.Its leaves do not look healthy-they are getting pale with dark sorts and small holes.How can I help the plant to survive? thank you Tamara |
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana is a graceful palm that can be grown indoors if given enough light. The success in growing one as a houseplant is to try to reproduce the environment that it would prefer; with palms, this is often high humidity, warm temperatures, and good air circulation. The interior of a home can typically provide the warmth, but the humidity is often lacking because of the use of air conditioning and heaters. Air circulation is usually totally lacking. The first thing is to maintain adequate hydration of the soil without over-watering. This typically means one would water about once a week under most circumstances. Checking the top inch of the soil is helpful in finding out if you need to water. If the soil is dry one inch below the surface, you should water. If it is winter and you have a heater on, it would be best to provide extra humidity. This can be done to some extent by placing potted palms on a platter with damp gravel, or one can mist the leaves several times a day. A room humidifier can be very helpful, although this might lead to mold buildup on the carpets or walls. It is important to pick proper light requirements for your chosen palm. Give your palm plenty of bright light but not direct sunlight (which could burn the leaves). Hope this helps! |