erosion control shrubs - Knowledgebase Question

Lake Mary, FL
Avatar for jayp6
Question by jayp6
April 14, 2006
i need plants for erosion control

Answer from NGA
April 14, 2006
There are many different plants that can be used for erosion control. The specific choices would depend on the planting site, looking at factors such as the degree of slope, the amount of sun/shade, whether or not it is windy, the soil type, the space involved, and your budget. You might also want to look at the drainage patterns in the area to see if they can be modified to slow or reduce the flow of runoff and help reduce the erosion that way. I would suggest you work with your local county extension and professionally trained nursery personnel and possibly a local engineer or degreed landscape architect with experience in drainge and grading issues to analyze the conditions at the planting site and knowing that, identify plants that would grow well there. If it is an extensive area or in an undeveloped area, your department of Natural Resources personnel and Soil Conservation Service office may be able to help as well. Good luck with your project!

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