Oliander problems - Knowledgebase Question

Virginia Beach, VA
Avatar for jesterscastl
Question by jesterscastl
April 26, 2006
My oliander was in a pot early this season. I transplanted it to my front bed, near the house, in full sun, where the plants have been very successful. My Oliander's leaves are now turning yellow and starting to fall off. We have watered reqularly and have used Miracle Grow fertilizer for gardens about 3 weeks ago. Any help would be greatful. The one I still have in a pot is doing very well.

Answer from NGA
April 26, 2006
Based on your description I suspect you are overwatering it and/or the soil is not well drained enough. This plant really needs a well drained soil. If you amended the soil heavily prior to planting then it may be due to poor drainage. In addition to well drained soil, oleanders prefer warm or hot weather and need full sun to stay healthy. It is possible the soil was still a bit cool when you transplanted as well. Finally, make sure it has not settled deeper than that it was growing in the container. I hope this helps.

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