Care for Blueberries - Knowledgebase Question

Nashville, TN
Avatar for sjfas
Question by sjfas
April 28, 2006
I planted 5 blueberry bushes at the begining of last season. This year the leaves are all red even though I used aluminum sulphate for acid. What am I missing?

Answer from NGA
April 28, 2006
I'm not sure there's anything wrong with your plants. The new growth will have a reddish tinge but will turn a deep, glossy green when they mature. If some of the older leaves have reddish margins, it could indicate a nutrient deficiency that occured when the leaves were forming. At this point, I'd wait and watch the new growth to make sure it matures into a healthy green color. In addition to the aluminum sulphate to acidify your soil, you might also top dress your blueberries with peat moss. As the peat decomposes it should release additional acidifying properties. Best wishes with your blueberries!

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