Last spring I planted 10 Natchez Mock Orange shrubs from your nursery -- they have been doing beautifully and are just covered with flower buds . . . suddenly--in the last two weeks--a lot of the branches have a serious problem. All the leaves on each branch are rolling inward (not just folded over once the way spiders do) but are rolled tightly from the outside edge towards the middle. A week ago I sprayed a for insects and diseases, but it's getting worse each day. Any ideas about what this is and what I can do? Thank you. |
It's really difficult to diagnose a plant problem without actually seeing it so I can only offer some usual causes of leaf cupping and suggest you take a sample of the leaves to your local Cooperative Extension office (Smith Bldg. downtown Seattle) or Master Gardener Clinic, or take samples to WSU Plant Pathology Lab in Puyallup. Cupping can be the result of herbicide damage, insufficient water, or a calcium deficiency in the soil. Without knowing precisely what is causing the cupping, I can't suggest anything to help alleviate the problem. Do take a sample in for positive identification and suggested remedies. Best wishes with your shrubs! |