Japanese Blueberry Tree - Knowledgebase Question

Houston, TX
Avatar for suebeehoney
Question by suebeehoney
May 14, 2006
My Japanese Blueberry Tree has more than doubled in size in 3 years and looks very healthy, except it is constantly losing leaves year round. I know they are supposed to turn red and drop off, but I rake up a small bucket full almost every day. Is this normal? or is there something the tree needs to slow this down? It has plenty of new leaves and doesn't look bare, but the flower bed stays so full of leaves that I can't plant any shade plants around it.

Answer from NGA
May 14, 2006

Evergreens do drop leaves through the year. Stresses such as droughty conditions of soggy wet conditions can make this worse and they also tend to drop more leave in spring to early summer as the new growth takes over. If the plant looks healthy other than the leaf drop I would not worry about it and count it as normal. Just watch that soil moisture and try to keep it moderate.

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