Columnar Junipers browning - Knowledgebase Question

eaton, co
Avatar for dustyandkay
Question by dustyandkay
May 21, 2006
We have three green columnar junipers They were planted 11 months ago. We are wondering why they are browning about a foot up from the base. thank you todd stockman

Answer from NGA
May 21, 2006
It's difficult to diagnose a plant problem without actually seeing it but here's an educated guess - dog urine can cause burning of the foliage. If the browning area is only on one side, that's probably the cause. Junipers can also develop fungal diseases and can be attacked by spider mites. Check your plant for webbing (spider mites) or fungal spores. Or, take a sample of the affected foliage to your local cooperative extension office for professional diagnosis. Best wishes with your plants!

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