I want to order different types of tomato seeds--indeterminate and also determinate. I have discovered I have nematodes in my land. Can you suggest some varieties? |
The most nematode resistant variety I have ever grown, here in the Jacksonville area, is 'Better Boy'(indeterminate). 'Celebrity' (determinate) and 'Big Beef' (indeterminate) are also resistant as is a paste tomato called 'Viva Italia Hybrid' (determinate). You will find these varieties listed on pages 89-90 in Burpee's 1998 catalog. If you don't have a Burpee catalog call 1-800-888-1447 and they will send you a catalog. Try not to plant your tomatoes in the same spot each year. By rotating your tomatoes to a different spot you can avoid having tomato diseases build up in the soil. |